With so many people overweight and frustrated, it's no wonder that there are some many diets and pills out there.
It's simple supply and demand: with a lot of people wanting to lose weight, there will always be a lot of people looking to profit off of it.
The problem is that many of these people either do nothing (that's why they say not evaluated by the FDA) or can actually harm your body! Many of the weight loss pills popular in the 80's were found to cause severe liver damage if taken as direct, and have since been banned.
With all of these problems, it's great that people are starting to wonder how to lose weight fast and naturally.
Here's a simple process will help you to start shredding the pounds: 1.
Keep track of what you're eating.
Can't fix a leak if you don't know where the water is coming from, right? Same thing here.
By carrying around a notepad for a week and writing down everything you eat (and how many calories and grams of fat it has), you can immediately start to notice problem patterns.
A candy bar every day at lunch may seem insignificant, but look how many calories it is in a week! Once you've done this for at least a week (the longer the better), figure out how many calories you're eating each day on average.
Cut back on calories.
This is a key part of how to lose weight fast and naturally, and it won't be as bad as you think.
Simply reduce your average by 10%, and that's your new daily goal.
Do not go over this number! Once you've done this for a week or two and have gotten used to it, reduce by another 10%.
Continue doing this until you're between 1500 and 2000 calories daily (I wouldn't go below 1500).
Burn more calories.
I know, you don't have the time or you don't want to go to the gym or you hate working out.
I'll teach you any easy way: While you're watching TV, every time a commercial comes on; just do an easy exercise until the commercial break ends.
Do jumping jacks, curl a 2# dumbbell, anything.
It won't take any more time, it won't be that much work, but you will burn more calories that you currently are.
This sounds like a long process, but you will begin seeing results in as little as 10 days, and as long as you stay consistent you will continue to lose weight.
Even better, as your muscles get stronger from your new exercises you will begin losing it faster! So, if you have been wondering how to lose weight fast and naturally, just give these 3 steps a try.
It takes almost no time out of your time, requires pretty small lifestyle tweaks, and will make a huge difference in the long run.
So start losing weight today!
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