Stuck in a painful marriage? Looking for a way out? Heading for the divorce is the perfect solution to this solution less and messed union between you and your spouse. However, if you happen to be a celebrity, after taking the plunge of divorce, there is no guarantee that like will be any easier thanks to the probing eyes of the media, who are capable of tearing your personal life to pieces in search for such juicy gossip to please the public.
While media ethics is certainly a matter of concern in today's day and age, the truth of the matter is that celebrities from the very start are chased everywhere they go. The media does not allow them any privacy and they end up watching their private lives being torn to shreds publicly and getting blown out of proportion on the celluloid and in the tabloids. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a private moment in a celebrities' life and they crave for privacy.
Thus, when they are undergoing perhaps the most traumatic phase of their lives, these celebs turn to reputed celebrity divorce lawyer for refuge their divorce they turn to the refuge who guarantees them shelter from the prying eyes of the media.
A celebrity divorce lawyer is a legal expert who specially handles the high-profile legal separation cases of famous public figures. The USP of such a breed of lawyers is their discreetness. A celebrity divorce lawyer will go out of his way to keep the secrets and personal details of his client under cover and be the guardian of his client's public image in every way. He understands the stress that his high-profile client and his family have to face, additionally due to the media pressure and thus takes it upon himself to deal with aggressive and harsh media interrogations and enquiries.
An experienced and qualified celebrity divorce lawyer proficiently deals with important aspects of divorce like custody of children and division of asset. As far as the child is concerned, a good celebrity divorce lawyer will ensure that the child is least disturbed due to the tug of war over him and will deal with the issue as gently as possible, avoiding his involvement where ever avoidable. Next comes the question of alimony. Disagreement on money matters is often a prime reason that breaks matrimonial alliances. And the diversion of these same assets can but of course create havoc in the lives of the client and lawyers alike. To save his client from any further trauma, a good celebrity divorce lawyer sorts out these issues on his own accord with the opposing party-either in court or through an out-of-court settlement. His objective in all cases is to spare his client any more hassle than what he has already had to face.
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