The probably ends at about 3 p.m. so we would talk to us about sign the question excessive damage to your skin can occur on-melanoma skin cancer easy to detect an easy to treat for these are thinking about beachwear here the fifties with two piece that waste one piece new millennium was not a sunscreen on closing right it so guess what when you put sunscreen on right it may impact and vitamin Production and so we ask the question how much of an effect is there so we got some volunteers and put them in our tanning bed and showed SPF 30 reduces your ability.
To make vitamin D in the skin by 95 to 98 percent it's not rocket science tricks was a songlike you're making vitamin D SP for 30 absorbs about 95 to 99 percent so you make about 125 percent vitamin Din the skin nineteen ninety-five percent your vitamin D is still coming from sun exposure how much there want to burn can't lifelike this coming from New England course you can't look like that but we knew early in evolution exactly along stay outside go back into the shade but we lost that ability but ten thousand years ago so I carefully reviewed little better insight to the problem how do you know when you make enough vitamin D his or public company but that doesn't happen.
The anymore so we did study and we took some students put my tanning bed game world is a vitamin D so if you're going on the beach and get light pink is to your skin twenty-four hours later it's what we call a minimal you with the move does not a sunburn rate one middle here with the mall does its equivalent to ingesting 20,000 units of vitamin D soon now you can understand why hundred years and less amount doesn't cut it our hunter-gatherer for flowers outside every day we're making thousands if you're into vitamin D&A doesn't really provide you divide in the requirement here even in Denmark they showed you people at levels areaways at the end of the summer nadir is always at the end the winner now you may be worrying as you age affects a lot a metabolic processes sobered she hears worried what about aging and vitamin D swell turned out we did the study backing 18 1989 we show if you're seven years only about 75 percent reduced ability to make vitamin D in your skin because you have left pre-Christian your skin so is no wonder Muscle Factor X can you make any role well we did the study we took so.
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