Health & Medical Lose Weight

Diet and Exercise and Still Not Losing Weight?

You are dieting and exercising regularly but you have hit the proverbial wall.
So how come by following your diet and exercising can you not lose weight.
This is where your journal comes in handy.
First you need to know how long you have been at this plateau.
Hopefully it hasn't been long.
When someone has this problem their could be as many as five different reasons why you have stopped losing weight.
Let's take a look.
The most simple and easiest is your not doing enough exercise or the exercises have become to easy and your body does not have to work as hard as it did when you started.
You need to create a calorie deficit and it must be at least 3500 calories for every pound of fat burned.
If the exercises become to easy and the body is not working as hard this deficit will decrease and you will lose less weight or none at all.
The second thing that comes to mind is you have increased the amount of calories that you are now eating.
You may have done this without realizing this or maybe had some snacks that had more calories than you thought.
This is where the journal comes in handy and if you kept honest and detailed records you will discover the problem.
The weight loss stoppage could be a combination of both of these happening at the same time.
You exercises getting easier and eating a bit more food.
As crazy at it may seem you could have changed when you eat and have eaten after you have done your exercises.
If you eat right after you exercise your body will use the food that you just digested and replenish its energy for its muscles and bodily functions.
If you wait at least a hour after working out the body will replenish its energy from the stored fat and sugar in the blood rather than from the food you just ate.
Sometimes changes or taking of certain medication will effect your weight loss.
Certain medicine will interact with your body to stop weight loss.
You could have a medical condition such as menopause, thyroid or adrenal abnormalities that are triggered by your weight loss regimen and now they are interfering with your bodies weight loss.
This is something that needs to be checked by your doctor.
Another cause for the stoppage of weight loss is having a medical condition that promotes weight gain.
This can also be triggered by something you have eaten the exercising or the chemicals that your body is producing.
This again would need to be diagnosed by a doctor.
In most cases these last two conditions would be rare in that you should already know about these conditions and should have adjusted your diet.
After looking at your journal if you cannot detect and change in eating, no new medicines or conditions, and you are still working hard at exe4rcising you can have chronic stress.
Stress can through the body way of it's path without you realizing it.
A study ay Johns Hopkins and a few other have proven that chronically high levels of a chemical called cortisol are produced in when high levels of stress are present.
It is not uncommon that high levels of stress can lead to obesity and the build up of belly fat.
Chronic stress is something you need to handle and continue to handle it as it can lead to many other problems and they can all be brought about through obesity.
You need to start to manage your stress a variety of disciplines that will handle stress such as meditation and yoga along with laughter which are a few of the best stress relievers you can use.

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