Health & Medical Beauty & Style

How Does Hair Loss Occur?

    The Hair Cycle

    • About ninety percent of the hair on a person's scalp is in a growing phase any given time while about ten percent is in a resting phase. Following the growing phase, the resting phase lasts about 2 to 3 months until the hair falls out and a new hair begins to grow in its place. Hair grows at a rate of about 1/2-inch per month, reaching about 6 inches in one year if allowed to grow undeterred. During its growth and resting cycle, it is normal for several strands of hair to shed on a daily basis. However, abnormally excessive shedding is usually a serious medical condition that needs to be treated by a professional.

    How Hair Loss Occurs

    • There are many reasons why hair loss can occur. Some of the most common reasons include stress, hormonal changes and genetics. The official medical term for hair loss is alopecia. Male and female pattern baldness is a type of permanent alopecia called androgenetic alopecia, while there are also a few types of alopecia that are temporary. Permanent hair loss is usually just a genetic condition that cannot be cured completely although there are treatments that artificially restore hair growth. Temporary hair loss is known as traction alopecia, which occurs as a result of constantly styling hair in tight braids or ponytails. The pull on the hair from the stress causes the hair to weaken and fall out. However, this is remedied when the pull on the hair from hair bands is removed. Stressful situations such as recovering from an illness, going through a divorce or loss of a loved one can trigger the hair to weaken and fall out. Hormonal changes resulting from a thyroid disease or a hormonal imbalance such as an increase in female hormones like estrogen can also lead to hair loss.


    • There are several treatment options for hair including hair transplant surgery and hair growth medication. One of the most popular hair regrowth medications is Rogaine, also called minoxidil, which has the ability to stop hair loss and promote hair growth. It was originally used as a blood pressure medication until the strange side effect of hair growth was noticed. Rogaine is applied topically to the necessary areas until desired results are achieved. Another treatment for hair loss is hair transplant surgery in which healthy hair that is genetically resistant to balding is moved to the site of the hair loss. Depending on how many hair grafts are needed, the procedure can end up as being very costly. Some side effects include a swelling in the transplant area as well as hair thinning, which is usually temporary.

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