Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Trust in a Relationship

Have you ever wondered what is the most important thing in a marriage, what makes a relationship, healthy, satisfying, happy and long lasting.
What is the prime ingredient to flourish a relationship, what is necessary for the existence of a relationship, as the foundation of a relationship lays on it.
What provides firm roots to a marriage, so that it may bore sweet fruit.
It is only trust.
Trust is secret ingredient and the fertilizer for the plant of a good marriage.
Trust is very important in any relationship, love springs from trust.
If two people do not have faith in each other, they cannot end up with a good relationship.
The more you trust someone the more you feel free to talk with them; you feel it comfortable sharing all your thoughts, incidents of your life, whether they are funny or embarrassing.
It means that trust is the way to achieve good communication in a relationship.
Therefore, trust is the most essential thing required by a good relationship.
When forming a relationship, first comes trust and then comes love.
You cannot love someone until you can trust them.
Trust on the other hand comes from sincerity and fidelity.
To make someone trust you, you will have to show your fidelity to them.
Getting someone to trust you for the first time is easy, but if once you disappoint them it becomes very difficult to gain that trust back again.
Earning someone's trust is easy, but to keep hold that trust is difficult.
The most common reason for shattering marriages these days is lack of communication; everybody recommends having good communication with your partner, but only a few people point to trust.
Trust is the most essential part of communication.
Without trust and faith, there cannot be any communication, which can strengthen your relationship with your partner.
Moreover having trust in your partners, saves you from all sorts of misunderstanding, as you have firm faith in each other, they never betray you and you never feel betrayed by them.
Without good communication, a relationship cannot last long and without trust, you can never have good communication.
It would not be wrong to say that without trust you cannot even think of your marriage turning into a blissful one.
If you do not earn your partners trust, you might end up in the office of a divorce lawyer.

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