Cellulite can be seen in both overweight and thin people and can give the body an unattractive look. More women suffer this, statistics say with a ratio of 8:10. It can be seen in the hips, buttocks and thighs. The skin develops a lumpy and cottage-cheese appearance which is also due to aging according to studies. There are many causes of this orange peel look such as an unhealthy lifestyle, stress, hormonal contraceptives and genetics but the type of food you eat can also contribute to these fatty deposits under the skin's surface.
One of the foods that cause such an appearance in the skin that resembles an orange peal is food with saturated fats. These types of fats are considered toxins which can be difficult to metabolize unlike the fats found in vegetables and fruits. Because they cannot be metabolized, these fatty deposits settle inside the skin. To prevent this from happening to you, eat white meat instead of red. Other foods that are rich in saturated fats are beef, beef fat, poultry fat, pork, lamb, veal, butter milk, cheese and cream.
Cellulite-causing foods also include those that are sweet and loaded with calories. Foods enriched with sugar contain toxins and saturated fats and they damage cells making the latter unable to function well. Such foods include cakes, chocolates, candies, sweet cereals, donuts, confectionary, muffins, malts and soft drinks.
Salty food should also be avoided because they help form fatty deposits under the skin's surface. It is best to consume less salt so as to avoid getting dimpled skin. Such types of food include French fries, potato chips, processed meats, soy sauce and pickles.
Drinking too much alcohol can also cause such fatty deposits. Alcohol is a toxin loaded with calories that settle down in parts of the body and takes the body of essential nutrients such as zinc, calcium and Vitamin C. It destroys muscles and cells according to a study. It is best to replace alcohol with water which takes away body toxins.
There is really no immediate cure or treatment for this dimpling appearance on the skin. Its appearance can be reduced however through water, a lifestyle of exercise where muscles are toned and strengthened, staying away from stress and having a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables. There are also treatments offered by cosmetic surgeons but these can be expensive. The foods that are mentioned here should also be avoided for cellulite to be prevented.
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