- 1). Saturate the sponge with isopropyl alcohol. Blot at the sap with the sponge carefully. Do not apply more alcohol than necessary to loosen and remove the sap from the nylon. Continue blotting until you remove as much of the sap as possible.
- 2). Rinse the isopropyl alcohol from the sponge and apply a small amount of dish-washing detergent to make the sponge soapy. Rub the sap area on the tent with the soapy sponge to wash away any residual isopropyl alcohol from the nylon surface. Continue rubbing the tent until you wash it thoroughly.
- 3). Remove all traces of the dish-washing soap from the sponge and use the sponge to rinse away the soap from the nylon surface. Continue rubbing the tent gently until you remove all the soap.
- 4). Leave the tent out so the nylon dries completely.
- 5). Reapply water repellent over the area where you applied the isopropyl alcohol to ensure the tent will not leak in this location.
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