Anxiety in Children - As It Is For Adults, This Also Holds True for Children We all experiences anxiety at various times.
We all know what it can feel like to be worried, nervous, fearful.
It's a part of life, right? The only distinction between a young child and an adult when addressing anxiety is that most adults have learned to manage their anxious emotions, figured out how to face their worries and fears and carry on in spite of them.
Children Have Yet to Do This! Youngsters who experience high degrees of stress and severe anxiety, or who suffer from panic attacks, usually have difficulty coping.
This usually manifests as social phobias, intense shyness, obsessive thoughts, addictive behavior...
and if not nipped in the bud during the early stages, the child's educational and interpersonal skills will suffer.
Is Your Child's Anxiety Out of Control? When anxiety turns into a problem for children they usually find it impossible to control their thoughts and emotions, and often find it difficult to face up to the everyday challenges life presents them with.
For these children anxiety is constant and considerably more invasive than an occasional surge of anxiety.
Not realizing it possible for a young child to have such high levels of stress and anxiety, the condition is sometimes overlooked by parents..
and when overlooked, this presents a serious dilemma for both parents and child as the child develops, meaning the anxiety can then continue on through the child's teens and on into adulthood.
Anxiety Doesn't Have to Be A Permanent Condition.
Although childhood anxiety is not all that unusual (approximately thirteen out of a hundred children and adolescents experience some form of anxiety through the earlier years) still many parents don't realize that that there is an immediate, permanent, natural and drug-free cure available.
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