If you've ever thought about building income, becoming rich or being your own boss this is definitely an article for you.
#1 -- Identify Your Goals This step is absolutely necessary.
2% of people who set goals and do not write them down, succeed.
64% of people who set goals and write them down succeed.
As simple step like putting pen to paper and writing out your goals increases your chance of success by 62%.
#2 -- Use Your Passion Find something you love to do, something you're passionate about.
Find a way to monetize it and become an authority on the subject.
This can be any from baseball cards to new cars.
Research your market, develop contacts and customer base and you will succeed.
#3 -- Keep Your Eyes Open Keep your ear to the ground and your eyes on the prize.
Don't let any opportunities pass you by, take full advantage of each and every one.
Don't dismiss any opportunity without the proper amount of research.
If you're going to get in, get in early, and make your money.
If after some time you don't want to continue with the business venture.
Get out.
Even if you have taken a loss, it's still better to get out with some money and no ego than it is to get out with your ego and no money.
One thing you have to make sure that you do, is take action.
Not many people get rich sitting on a couch.
Develop a plan, assess that plan, and execute that plan.
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