Many start out to be financially free but end up managing to eke a living throughout their life time! Indeed financial freedom means many things to many people but the common denominator remains being able to meet ones expenses no matter how unending there are for a sustained period of time.
To do this you must have money, loads of money or just some money? Again it all depends on who you are but always remember what the Holy Book says 'money answers all things'.
Therefore to a large extent we may safely conclude that financial freedom may imply having enough money to meet our unending needs (and some wants too) over a sustained period of time.
But you may be quick to ask is money ever enough? Mans wants and sometimes needs are insatiable and never ending but resources remain limited money especially.
So is financial freedom a mirage? Not if you are a Bill gates or the Sultan of Brunei or Warren Buffet and many more than we have time to list.
Well you might not be in the mentioned list above but reading this piece now, means once again you have the opportunity to remind yourself about what some of these household names do to remain on top of the game to be financially free.
I have put together a cursory list of those things we already know too much of but for which we are so quick to forget and slow to apply.
Like a merry heart will do well to your bones so these points will do good to your purse ensuring that there is always something in there for you! Since I intend to run this piece as a series of articles, I will reel out these points per week per article.
Just a couple will do for today so that you may meditate properly over these insights for proper understanding, do have a pleasant read.
It is never about what you earn but always about what you keep.
Never ever forget this.
The simple lesson here is: learn to spend less than you earn! You will never, repeat never achieve financial freedom if you always spend more than you earn.
In fact your net worth will always be negative and financial freedom will indeed remain just a mirage for you, so always remember code number one is that after you earn you must keep some before you spend some, This is neither a Sicilian code nor a Vinci code, it is just a financial code that certainly unlocks the first path in the super maze to financial freedom so I will repeat it again for emphasis- always spend less than you earn always, always and always.
In life it has been documented that the financial freedom of a man (and a woman too) is a function of his/her net worth.
What you own minus what you owe determines your net worth.
It works like a balance sheet where you have assets and liabilities if your assets outweigh your liabilities fine and good but if otherwise then you have some work to do.
So the million dollar question remains how much are you worth? I will leave you to ponder on this question and return God willing next week to dish out some more candid advice towards achieving financial freedom in your life.