Business & Finance Wealth Building

Freedom or Security? Wealth Won"t Come to Those Who Wait…

‘My dream is to be wealthy and have full financial freedom. I just haven't worked out yet how I'm going to get there.'

So, you want wealth? Are you planning to win the Lottery, or marry a millionaire?

How many millionaires have you met? How many millionaires have proposed to you? What are the chances of winning the Lottery? Can you make these things happen? Of course not; these are acts of God!

But there is something you do have control over. You can build your own wealth.

You are never going to create your own wealth by working for someone else. Working for someone else is only ever going to enhance their wealth. Your wealth will come from things you set up and do for yourself.

To set out on the road to wealth, you need to take risks. So what's stopping you? Is the pull of financial security preventing you from taking that first step into the unknown?

A desire to be wealthy isn't always motivation enough to become wealthy. What else could motivate you to risk the path to wealth? What else does wealth offer other than security? The freedom to do as you please, when you please? To see the world, to take time to learn new skills that you would never have time for if you were trapped in a nine to five, ‘secure' lifestyle?

Is the world divided into two sets of people? Those who want security; and those who crave freedom? What type are you?

Note the use of the words want and crave. You might want security, but you'll never crave it because it's not generally something that people get passionate about. On the other hand, if you only want freedom, you'll find it hard to achieve, because to get it, you need to have the craving.

Wealth is created through a craving for freedom. People who crave freedom either never get into, or soon leave the security of a regular monthly pay cheque.

What goes through your mind when someone says, ‘I work for myself'?

Do you wonder what it would be like to work for yourself? Are you jealous of the lack of the 9-5 trappings? Does it make you think about the fact that your boss doesn't really value your input, and you never get to make any important decisions, even though you are more than capable? Does it make you consider how your initiative is frowned upon and you're told to stay in the box rather than think out of it? Does it strike it home that you are you bored, feeling unappreciated, and frustrated that you are unable to make the most of your creative ability? Then you're a freedom seeker.

Or are you freaked out by the thought of not having a regular salary landing in your bank account every month? You couldn't possibly handle having to wonder whether you will be able to pay the monthly bills or motivate yourself to work hard without a manager demanding monthly progress reports? Then you're a security hunter.

Most people admit to coveting a wealthy existence, but do they need to be freedom seekers to achieve it? Could the security hunters, if they tried, find the motivation to take the risks involved in attaining wealth? Or is the path to wealth only meant for those who value freedom over security? Are security hunters destined to be live-to-work slaves who never become wealthy?

How about this: what if freedom could lead to security? Isn't our nation run by the very people that craved freedom enough to get out there and do just what they wanted and now have the security of wealth?

Maybe it's just a case of changing your outlook. 

Most natural freedom people consider rewards far differently to the way security people do. Security people see regular income, the benefits of health insurance and a guaranteed pension as a reward for their daily toil. At the end of the month the bills are paid, the food is on the table. There is nothing to worry about because the monthly salary has taken care of the necessary outgoings.

But what of the un-necessaries? The things that raise a smile and inspire us and keep us alive? Are the rewards of freedom only monetary? What about the feeling of being your own boss? Planning your own day, week and month? Making your own choices and decisions? Fuelling your creativity and motivation by evenly balancing your working and recreational hours? Natural freedom people are more prepared to take the risk of leaving the nine to five security because all these things far outweigh the worry of whether the bills will be paid that month.

There is no better motivator to get on and make your enterprise successful than having to make sure your roof is still over your head at the end of the month. If you believe it and want it enough, you will make it work.

If we just work to live and pay bills then are we really living? Creating wealth and financial freedom is achievable, but it must be understood that there will be plenty of hard work, risk taking, dedication and sacrifice involved. Natural freedom people intrinsically believe in this concept; it's their inherent state of mind.

Do security people see liberty the way freedom people do? Running your own business means you can leave the 9-5, but more often than not will become 9 to midnight. ‘How is that freedom?' the security people cry!

Because all the rewards for your hard work are your own, and you are free tomake the choice to work until midnight rather than being forced by your boss's unreasonable deadlines. It really does feel different.

Freedom is a cherished gift that people through the ages have risked their lives for. Whilst it's accepted that with freedom comes insecurity, it's also considered that with security, compromise should be expected; as well as emotional boredom.

Everyone has freedom of choice. You can make the safe and secure choice. Or you can take the route into the unknown and work your way into a wealthy existence.  Sometimes we need a challenge to keep our adrenalin pumping and our minds alive. To eliminate the emotional boredom and drudgery of the day to day, nine to five archetype where a worn-out weekend is all we have to look forward to at the end of the working week.  

Do you want a reason to get up in the morning? How about this: I am making the choice to get up at 6am this morning because today I am working towards building an empire. I am building an empire so I can create a better, more fulfilling life, and ultimately, the freedom to do as I choose, when I choose - and have financial security.

Security or Freedom? Why not have both? Take the initial risky path on the road to freedom, work hard and do what you do best, and you will eventually create security.

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