While it may appear as through the economy is on the rebound, prices of gold are as high as ever.
There are a lot of options available to the public in regard to this type of trade.
However, if you're looking for the best way to obtain cash for gold without getting scammed, there are a few pointers you should consider.
In this article, we will outline a few tips and tricks to help you along the way.
What is Scrap Gold? Scrap is defined as material that has been discarded and may be suitable for reprocessing.
This goes to say that any left over pieces such as old crowns, broken jewelry etc.
can still be reused by simply melting it down and turning it into something else.
Some prime examples of scrap include: • Chains • Earrings • Nuggets • Old Wedding Bands • Pins • Wire • Coins In order to calculate the value of your scrap, you will need a scale, and some simple math skills.
Dealers and refiners generally conduct their transaction in pennyweights, which just means you'll have to convert your final amount from ounces or grams if using a traditional scale.
Once ounce will equal 20 pennyweights.
Once the weight is evaluated, you will need to find the current market price and multiply accordingly.
Now that you've figured out just how much your scrap is worth, you're ready to deal.
When dealing in scrap, there are really only two options available in regarding to places to sell: Refiners and dealers.
Many times, heading to a refiner is the way to go, as most dealers simply act as middlemen and sell to the refiners, thus offering a lower price.
In order to find yourself a refiner, hop online and do a basic search in your area.
The yellow pages are also a helpful tool in this regard.
Try to steer clear of the companies you typically see advertising on television, as they tend to offer at least 30% less than that of a true refinery.
When it really comes down to it, the most important thing to remember is to only deal with businesses who are established and have a good reputation behind them.
Check around with consumer agencies and find out what companies are recommended.
Read reviews and call around to obtain quotes.
After all, it's your money..
get the most out of it!
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