Feng Shui is the method of creating balance to each and every aspect of your life. One particular method to obtain good Feng Shui is through the use of color. There are five Feng Shui elements to which colors are associated. These elements are: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood. Colors are connected to each element, and, in the right combination, they add to the Feng Shui energy map of the space encircling you.
In the event that you like to stir up passion and high energy, you should raise the Fire element in the space around you. The colors that will certainly assist your efforts are red, orange, purple, pink and strong yellow. In Feng Shui, red symbolizes luxury and richness; orange conveys playful, lively, pulsating energy; purple is related to spiritual realms; pink calms the soul and strong yellow, like orange, makes your space cheerful and uplifting. Note, however, that several of these colors should be used infrequently. The overuse of red is thought to create restlessness, bursts of anger and over-stimulation, while purple, being linked to the spiritual realm, should be used strategically.
If you need to build stability, inner nourishment and quiet in your life, you need to enhance the Earth element around you. The colors linked with the Earth element consist of light yellow, beige or skin color, and earthy, sandy colors.
From the Feng Shui Metal element flows clarity and preciseness, precision, efficiency and sharpness. The colors white and gray will certainly build a setting favorable to these characteristics. For example, gray builds an energy that is crisp, reflective and sharp. In the same manner, white is crisp, clear, clean and fresh: it indicates both beginnings and clearly-defined endings. The Feng Shui Metal element colors create balance to the Fire Element colors, thereby preventing the overwhelming effect of the Fire Element colors.
If you seek calm, purity, freshness and ease, you should focus on the Water element. Feng Shui Water element colors consist of black and blue. The various shades of blue are used to stir up different forms of energy. Light blue, for example, favors harmonious expansion and gentle growth, while darker blue, deep calm and serenity. By contrast, black is full of energy and sophistication, and it conveys power and protection, grounding and stability. Overpowering, black should be used sparingly and strategically.
And finally, the Wood element creates vibrant health, vitality and growth. By focusing on brown and green, you will certainly encourage the transfer of the energy to yourself and to those about you. Brown has a nourishing energy. On the other hand, an excessive amount of brown can lead to inertia and lack of enthusiasm to advance in life. Therefore, brown have to be balanced with other Feng Shui element colors, such as the Fire or the Water element colors. Green is the color of renewal, fresh energy and new beginnings. It relaxes the spirits and supports healing. Green teams itself well with the other Feng Shui element colors, such as the Earth and the Metal element colors.
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