Hemorrhoids are primarily distended veins that develop due to over exertion while emptying the bowels.
The pain and bleeding from hemorrhoids can be very troublesome.
Hemorrhoids are easy to manage and they can be cured completely though recurrences do and can occur.
It is also important to note that simple lifestyle modifications can actually help prevent their occurrence.
The best dietary advice one can follow is to drink plenty of water and incorporate plenty of fiber in the diet.
This enables the stools to be soft and easy to evacuate without straining.
Fruits like bananas, apples, prunes, mangoes, watermelons, grapes and cherries improve the digestive processes and aid in stool formation.
Avoid excess refined and processed foods.
Regular physical activity is a must to improve the bowel movements.
Once hemorrhoids develop then they need to be addressed.
Hemorrhoids management falls under two categories.
First and foremost is to get rid of the distressing symptoms like pain, itching and burning associated with hemorrhoids.
The second step is to shrink the hemorrhoids.
Follow these simple recommendations and get rid of hemorrhoids with ease.
Symptomatic relief: There are numerous creams, ointments and suppositories available which can help relieve the pain, itching and burning.
The relief is almost immediate but temporary which means repeated applications of the creams or ointments.
Shrinking the hemorrhoids: A Sitz bath is often the best remedy at home for shrinking the hemorrhoid size.
Take a tub and fill it with hot water and add a few drops of Iodine to it.
Soak the rectal area for 10-15 minutes twice daily.
This not only gives tremendous relief but also helps shrink the size of the hemorrhoids.
Surgical procedures: As a last resort surgery is recommended to get rid of hemorrhoids.
Three different types of surgery are in practice for external hemorrhoids.
In LASER coagulation the hemorrhoid is clotted with electric probes and is shrunk.
In Infrared coagulation, infrared light is used to clot the hemorrhoid and shrink it.
In some people hemorrhoidectomy which involves complete dissection of the hemorrhoids is advocated.
For internal hemorrhoids there are several surgical procedures.
These include rubber band ligation (tying of a rubber band around the base of the hemorrhoids to block their blood supply), injection sclerotherapy (injection of a caustic chemical to inflame the veins and get them to close permanently), Infrared photocoagulation, LASER coagulation and finally hemorrhoidectomy.
As they say prevention is better than cure and for hemorrhoids this is 100% true.
Aim for some simple modifications in your lifestyle and be free from hemorrhoids.