Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Understanding, Managing And Overcoming Your Hemorrhoid Problem

Hemorrhoids in general are caused by straining while trying to go potty.
Multiple factors can contribute to this problem.
So let's put our thinking caps on and understand what is causing it and what you can do to overcome it.
Constipation and diarrhea can cause challenging bowel movements.
Heredity can also play a role along with aging.
Women who are pregnant can also suffer from this condition due to the fetus putting pressure on the bowel area.
Hemorrhoids which are also considered to be varicose veins occur around the anal area.
Connective tissue which has become weak can no longer hold the vein.
Hemorrhoids can occur both internally and externally.
Most of the global population who suffer from hemorrhoids tend to do so after the age of thirty.
Hemorrhoids can also bleed and if this happens to you it is advisable to get them checked out by a medical professional as anal cancer can also cause bleeding.
However if you are sure that it is only the hemorrhoid that is bleeding you can apply apple cider vinegar this will help stop the bleeding.
To soothe the pain you can also puncture a vitamin E capsule and apply it to the affected area.
A warm bath can also help to sooth the pain afterwards just wipe the area with wipes that have been soaked in witch hazel.
Ingesting more fiber in your diet and drinking more water can help to soften stools which will help prevent against constipation.
To conclude you can also add herbal supplements to your diet to ease the pain and help prevent against hemorrhoids in the future.

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