You're probably asking yourself a million and one questions right now in regards to your breakup.
"Why did he leave me?", "Will I be able to live now that he's not in my life?", "How do I get him back?" etc.
There is one question that you probably haven't even thought of yet, "Do I want my ex back?" As hurt as you are, it's time you really consider this question.
Frequently the feelings of despair, loss, and hopelessness are all put under the category of missing your ex.
Are you really missing your ex or are you missing companionship? It's easy to become complacent in a relationship and just go with the flow of what life throws at you.
When you're suddenly capsized and alone all you can think about is not drowning.
It's all right.
Put your feet down and you'll realize that the water is only knee-deep.
You might just realize that you don't need a flotation device after all.
It's likely that your ex had become your flotation device.
The truth is you might just be missing your ex because you were complacent with having him in your life.
Now that he's not, though, it's time to learn to swim again.
Once you've become comfortable with swimming on your own for a bit, you can make the decision if you really need your ex back or not.
No matter what you choose, there is nothing for you to be ashamed of.
Both are acceptable wants.
You may very well still love your ex but if you don't then there's no point in getting back together.
Analyze your feelings before jumping back into a situation that could be potentially harmful.
If your ex sees you as being desperate, he might be more willing to take advantage of you.
The true test for knowing if you're still in love is if you take some time off from thinking about your ex or seeing him.
Depending on how you feel about him after some time alone will determine what you really want and if it's worth making a plan to get your ex back.
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