Were you aware of a really good diet program which is easy to do and better yet has lasting results! If this this sounds like something you would want to try then I suggest you read on about the best diet program to use for permanent weight loss.
What is this Diet Called? The diet is known as calorie shifting and essentially what's involved is eating a diet which forces your metabolism up and remain at peak levels for the duration of the diet and even afterwards! Here now are the main features of the diet: * Normal Calorie Consumption, no starving, just conscious eating! * No Rebound Effect! Because the diet has the ability to stimulate your metabolism you actually don't experience the rebound effect of weight gain common with most other diets.
* Eating a varied diet that provides carbs, fats and protein! The Rebound Effect Explained The reason that people will experience rebound weight gain after following a diet is because the diet essentially trains their body to lower its metabolism.
With Calorie Shifting you experience the total opposite which is an increased metabolism and when you come off of the diet because you have been training your metabolism to stay at a high level it will remain there for some time continuing to burn fat.
There is simply no better way to lose weight than with calorie shifting, it corrects the one major flaw that every other diet has, by targeting the bodies metabolism you can be re-assured of success.
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