Health & Medical Eye Health & Optical & Vision

Eyes Exercises for Better Vision

Eye problems became "normal" these days.
Short-sightedness for people of a younger age and far-sightedness for older people are now norm rather than exception.
The popular measures of vision correction are wearing glasses, using contact lenses or the extreme case - laser eye surgery.
Glasses and contact lenses are like wheelchairs for handicapped people.
They do not correct or cure anything but they just make the life bit easier and at the same time an expensive one because glasses and contact lenses cost quite a bit of money.
Eyeglasses and contact lenses can also contribute to deterioration of vision later in life.
It is interesting to note that ophthalmologists never offer any natural non-invasive ways of vision correction.
The only thing they offer is prescription glasses.
This is because it's just a business like any other.
The more glasses they sell, the more money they make.
I think medicine must never be a money-making activity - it should rather concentrate on the well-being of patients.
But I digress.
I've been wearing glasses since I was 11 years old.
In my case I was lucky: my ophthalmologist introduced me to simple eye exercises that as she said produce real vision correction unlike the prescription glasses.
The only problem was that I was too young to understand their importance and to do them daily.
After all it is so easy to wear glasses.
Plus you can find ones that really suit you! Unfortunately this is the approach that the most people have nowadays.
Everything should be easy to do, fashionable and naturally look nice.
At some point in my life after doing a lot of reading on the topic I realized the importance of eyes exercises and decided to give them a try.
Doing them daily along with proper nutrition and self-hypnosis helped me to stop the worsening of my vision and to reverse it.
Below are some exercises to try daily: - Sit in a comfortable position and look directly in front of you.
Look to the far right without moving your head and then to the far left.
Repeat this ten times.
Fix your eyes for couple of seconds in each position.
You will get dizzy if you do this too quickly.
- Initial position like in the exercise above.
Look up without moving your head and then look down.
Fix your eyes in each position for a couple of seconds otherwise you'll get dizzy.
- Initial position like in the previous exercises.
Now move your eyes in a circle clockwise.
Try not to skip any point of the circle and do not rush.
Do it clockwise and then counter clockwise.
Repeat for 5 times.
At the end rub your palms together, close your eyes and put your palms gently on your eyes to allow them to relax.
- Sitting or standing, concentrate on an object in front of you for about 5 seconds and then look at an object far ahead.
You can do this exercise in front of the window so you will have points far ahead to look at.
- Follow a big geometric figure or an imaginary big number eight in the air with your nose.
This way your eyes will follow the contour of the figure.

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