Omega 3 supplements can be used for many health benefits, including healthy skin and eyes.
Studies performed at the University of Maryland Medical Center concluded that supplementing with omega-3 can be used to treat a number of skin and eye conditions including burns, skin disorders, and macular degeneration.
Based on University of Maryland Medical Center studies, omega-3 has been successful in treating many skin conditions.
Tested skin conditions included photo dermatitis, acne, and psoriasis.
However, other similar skin disorders like eczema and dry skin may also be treated effectively with omega-3 fatty acids.
In these studies, individuals who supplemented their diet with the omega-3 fatty acid, EPA, saw better treatment results than individuals who used medications alone.
The best source for EPA is milled flaxseed.
The Maryland Medical Center also tested the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oils on patients that suffered from burns and skin wounds.
During this test, they concluded that omega-3 encouraged a healthy level of proteins, promoting healing and recovery from the burns.
They also found that it was helpful in reducing inflammation, reducing the pain associated with severe burns and promoting healing.
Macular degeneration is an eye condition that occurs as people age.
This condition decreases sight and can ultimately cause blindness.
According to the Maryland Medical Center, supplementing diet with omega-3 fatty acids may help to reduce the chance of developing this common eye condition.
This is why it's so important for you to purchase a quality omega 3 fish oil that contains not only pure concentrated fish oil but is also naturally high in natural omega-3 fatty acids.
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