Health & Medical Diabetes

Why Don"t We Reverse Type 2 Diabetes?

In the beginning when you are labeled with Type 2 Diabetes it's hard to imagine that you could reverse your condition.
Hardly anyone talks about it.
Reversing diabetes seems to be one of those unheard of or unimaginable scenarios.
Why is that? Is it because everyone with Type 2 Diabetes gets the same treatment with little hope for a positive outcome? Or that our doctors are not able to spend enough time with each patient in a one on one setting? It's hard to believe that the success rate for improving Type 2 Diabetes is as bad is it is when we spend as much money as we do today on diabetes.
Research shows us that if you're an uncomplicated patient with Type 2 Diabetes it costs the health care system about $11,700 per year.
According to the research, if you're the typical healthy American your health care costs average about $4400 per year.
If you're a patient with Type 2 Diabetes and you have any type of complications associated with your disease, it costs the health care system $20,700.
So let's say your co-payment is about 20%, and you're an uncomplicated Type 2 Diabetic.
You would be spending approximately $2340 per year.
Ten years down the road that would equal $23,400 that you have spent out of your pocket.
That is a huge investment into a progressively deteriorating condition with little hope for a positive outcome.
Now imagine if you could even spend half of that amount of money, and learn what to do to actually be able to reverse type 2 diabetes with long lasting benefits.
For most people it wouldn't even be a thought in their head or a question in their mind.
So where can you find this type of help? It's difficult, but doctors that practice Functional Medicine would be a close start.
Doctors in programs that understand functional endocrinology have a great advantage in their ability to get to the source of the problem.
So, if it is possible to reverse type 2 diabetes, why aren't we doing it? To answer that question we have to look at the current health care system.
An incredible amount of money is spent on diabetic medications each year.
Why would the system that is benefiting from all that income what to change the current system? We have many great doctors in the United States, but we need to start focusing on what is best for the patients and not what's best for the pharmaceutical companies.
Medication can be necessary, but we certainly don't need to be ignoring what we know we need to be working on to correct this issue.
It's time to put pharmaceutical profit aside.

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