Type 2 diabetes is a global epidemic that continues to haunt and terrorize countries from one decade to the next.
In fact, according to a research published in the May 2004 issue of Diabetic Care, it is estimated the global prevalence of diabetes will spike to a rate of roughly five percent in 2030.
Although Type 2 diabetes responds to a trigger, it is a lifestyle disease.
This means this particular health problem can be greatly affected by poor lifestyle control such as an unhealthy diet and lack of sufficient physical activity.
Therefore, the only way to completely control this health issue is to make the needed lifestyle modifications.
Type 2 diabetics are usually advised by their doctor to visit a nutritionist.
If you are wondering about the foods your nutritionist will advise you to avoid, read on: 1.
Saturated fats: To start with, diabetes predisposes you to the development of atherosclerosis, the hardening of blood vessel walls due to deposited fatty plaques, and other related cardiovascular problems.
Eating a lot of fat-saturated foods can further worsen your risk for these health problems.
Saturated fats come from high-fat dairy products and meats such as pork meat, beef, hot dogs, hams, sausages and bacon.
As recommended by Mayoclinic.
com, your saturated fat intake must not be more than seven percent of your daily caloric intake.
Trans fats: Trans fats are industrially processed unsaturated fats that have a hydrogen atom added to the basic vegetable oil chemical structure to make the end-products look more solid in appearance.
Trans fats are usually found in baked pastries, processed snacks and margarine sticks.
However, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, trans fats can also be found naturally in beef and dairy foods.
These undesirable fats can clog and stiffen your arteries causing cardiovascular problems such as hypertension, stroke and coronary artery disease.
Cholesterol: Cholesterol is another diet culprit you need to avoid.
Foods with the highest cholesterol content include high-fat dairy products, fatty animal protein, shellfish, egg yolk, and internal organs of animals such as the liver.
Your daily cholesterol intake should never exceed 200 milligrams to avoid the development of possible dangerous consequences related to increased cholesterol level.
Sodium: Yes, you may be right for saying that sodium intake is important because it plays a big role in keeping the healthy function of your individual cells.
But a word of caution: an excess sodium intake has dangerous health consequences.
Salt attracts water...
too much of these in your blood stream can greatly increase your blood volume level, causing an increase in the work load of heart.
An overworked heart can predispose you to the development of heart failure.
As well, excess sodium in your blood can also lead to kidney malfunction.
com recommends that you aim for a daily intake of less than two thousand milligrams of sodium per day.
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