Holistic medicine is defined as a form of therapy aimed at treating the whole person, not just the part or parts in which the symptoms occur.
Finding a holistic treatment for depression involves formulating a treatment plan to rule out underlying causes, make lifestyle changes, correct any nutritional deficiencies, implementing exercise and avoid inactivity , and possibly consider a natural herbal remedy.
Depression is quite often caused by an underlying cause.
This is an important first step in creating a holistic treatment plan for depression.
If there is an underlying cause such as hormones, thyroid problems, or stress related adrenal problems if will greatly impact the effectiveness of any treatment whether conventional or alternative.
Smart lifestyle choices are very important in establishing a holistic treatment for depression.
There are a number of lifestyle choices which have been linked to depression including smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and caffeine intake.
Eliminating one or all of these can be a difficult task due to their addictive nature but keep in mind that any addictive substance changes brain chemistry and some experts believe the key to overcoming depression is in rebalancing brain neurotransmitter chemistry.
If a substance or substances are standing in the way of this pursuit changes are positive long lasting results will be hard achieve.
Research shows that a deficiency in only one nutrient can change brain function in a way that it brings on bouts of depression.
In establishing a holistic treatment for depression taking a daily multivitamin is a good place to start.
Studies show that depressed people tend to have low levels of folic acid, vitamin B12, and vitamin B6 so a B complex supplement should not be ruled out as well.
Sometimes when exercise is mentioned people just roll their eyes because they have heard it so many times.
Nevertheless, exercise should be the cornerstone which your holistic depression treatment program is built upon.
Numerous studies have clearly indicated that exercise has profound anti-depressive effects.
These studies show that increased participation in exercise, sports, and physical activities is strongly associated with decreased symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Additionally, people who establish consist exercise programs have higher self esteem, feel better, and are in general much happier than those that do not.
One of the best pieces of advice anyone can give you in establishing a sustainable exercise program is to start slow and make it fun.
Examples would be taking a walk in a scenic natural park, listening to music, or finding a friend to converse with while walking.
If you turn exercise into something you have to do rather than something you want to do you will not stick with it.
Natural remedies for depression are not essential for establishing a holistic treatment for depression program.
Nevertheless, they might be that last piece of the puzzle that helps you succeed.
Perhaps the most popular natural remedies for depression are herbal blends.
Herbal blends for depression often contain the popular herb St.
John's wort in combination with other herbs such as passionflower.
Some studies suggest that when combined with a holistic treatment plan for depression as described above the benefits can rival those of anti-depressant medications without the side effects.
In closing, if you are suffering with depression perhaps the most important thing is not to let depression get in the way of seeking help.
It is easy to put off taking action believing things will get better, they may not.
Don't let yourself fall into this depressive cycle.
Take action now.
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