Health & Medical Diabetes

Five Simple Ways of Easily Reversing Diabetes

Reversing diabetes is so simple when understood in the proper context.
Much simpler than it is to understand when being explained scientifically.
If the modern medical conception of this disease is on track, then why is it increasing to all but epidemic proportions? They can't even agree as to what the cause of diabetes is, much less how to cure it.
And after all, does your body really care if you understand the scientific explanation of why it's not able to work properly? Your body only cares whether you know it needs fixing, and that you not only understand what to do about it, but most importantly, that you do it? I'm assuming since your taking an interest in reading this article, that your more than familiar with what not to do, in reference to diabetes.
I also feel fairly confident you don't need to hear what a debilitating and even deadly disease it can become.
I personally want to commend you for taking an interest in healing it naturally, instead of just blindly following the standard symptomatic approach prescribed by conventional medicine, which has more or less conceded to the notion that it's an incurable phenomenon.
Alternative medicine presents a much more positive prognosis toward diabetes, and why shouldn't it? The results speak for themselves.
Each of the following natural remedies have been credited with singlehandedly eliminating diabetes, and there are so many more that this article just didn't have the space to mention.
Theoretically all of them could be taken advantage of simultaneously, to quickly turnaround a diabetes diagnosis.
The Elemental Miracle: If you were forced to use only one natural diabetic treatment, then I would say pick this one.
It's name definitely describes it's unique position as a holistic cure all, and the case histories surrounding it's ability in regards to easily and quickly reversing diabetes, are nothing short of miraculous.
Apple Cider Vinegar And Cinnamon: A very effective natural remedy for reversing diabetes is to use apple cider vinegar and cinnamon.
Take two tablespoons of raw unfiltered organic apple cider vinegar, mixed with four to six ounces of liquid and one teaspoon of cinnamon.
(cinnamon triples insulins efficiency among other benefits for diabetics) You could make the "liquid" yellow dock tea and sweeten it with stevia, for a "four way" diabetic tonic.
I take apple cider vinegar at least twice a day with a teaspoon of baking soda.
The baking soda keeps the vinegar from making my teeth hurt, and it further assist the ACV in raising the bodies alkalinity.
Bitter Melon: This natural diabetes cure, has a centuries old reputation as a powerfully effective diabetic treatment.
The blood sugar lowering abilities of this tropical vegetable are well documented.
Bitter melon is composed of several compounds with confirmed anti-diabetic properties.
It can be purchased as an encapsulated powder, although the fresh juice is preferred.
Banaba: Banaba extract is commonly known as "plant insulin" or as "botanical insulin.
" It is usually taken as a tea or in extract form.
It is a particularly well known cure for diabetes in the Philippines as well as in Japan.
It is relied on to reverse not only childhood diabetes which is better known as juvenile diabetes, but type 2 diabetes as well.
It is mainly used in the U.
for it's ability to help assist in safely controlling weight.
Marine Phytoplankton: This highly acclaimed super food, promotes and maintains optimum health by boosting and supporting all systems within the body.
Phytoplankton contains a unique combination of life sustaining nutrients including; Omega 3 essential fatty acids (EPA and DHA), protein, chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, and trace elements.
Green food supplements such as blue green algae, barley, wheat grass, alfalfa, etc.
have also been shown to be very helpful in reversing diabetes, and as an added diabetic benefit will immediately eliminate all sugar cravings.
However, if your wanting to rely on only one single green super food, marine phytoplankton is the obvious choice.
No matter which natural remedies for diabetes you decide to take advantage of, make a schedule and take them a set number of times interspersed throughout the day.
Don't overdo it! A mood of moderation and "wait & see" is always best, even though they're all natural.
You can order any of these cures on-line, or find them at health food stores.
Be sure to study any accompanying information on how they work, and how to use them.
If you are already on insulin, absolutely do not stop taking insulin, and do not stop measuring your glucose levels, without your doctor's permission.
In concluding I would like to salute your effort to be free from diabetes by taking advantage of holistic methods.
Your success is guaranteed if you stay within the standard guidelines and strictly follow the program you settled on.
Alternative medicine offers a much more optimistic prognosis than any prescription pad wielding, lifetime of medication promising MD ever will.

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