Health & Medical Diabetes

Start Your Sugar Diabetes Diet Today - Just Two Choices That Will Change Your Physiology Now

So, you've been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes? I'm sorry.
But the good news is that you can still lead a longer healthier lifestyle than your cohort.
And now you're looking for a good diet? That's great, and (along with exercise) the key to making yourself healthy and avoiding the terrible complications (the kidney and eye disease) you've heard about.
And my claim is that you can make just two commitments and you'll be well on your way.
Yes, you should be concerned with just the right vegetables and the ratio of proteins to fat and etc.
But make these two commitments and you'll get the lion's share done.
What are they? Cut the total calories you take in.
And cut the total sugar.
Why are these the two key changes? Your weight is key to your diabetes.
Lower your weight and you lower your insulin resistance.
That means that insulin is freer to open up your cells so they accept the sugar they need for fuel.
It also means that less sugar is floating free in your system overwhelming your kidney and swelling your eyes (so less chance of complications).
And your weight is the result of a simple calculation - calories you take in minus calories that your burn and shed.
The dead simple easiest way to reduce calories? Eat smaller portions.
If you regularly eat seconds.
Ifyou don't eat seconds, make your only serving smaller.
Cut it in half.
Leave half on your plate.
How do you cut your sugar? Replace foods that turn readily into sugar with those that don't.
With this secret, it's easy.
The GI (glycemic index) is a measure of how efficiently a food turns to sugar.
So, another way of saying that is this: replace high GI foods with low GI foods.

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