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Toast Your Host: Instead of the ubiquitous candle, bring a skull candelabra. http://tinyurl.com/skullabra - 2
Family First: Show your family just how sane you really think they are (compared to TV's spookiest household!) with a Munster's Village gift set. http://tinyurl.com/munster-village - 3
Gross Out: Gift a head in a jar. Just add red-dyed water for extra icky effect. http://tinyurl.com/head-in-jar - 4
Game On: Add life to a ghostly party with Boo-Opoly, a Halloween-themed monopoly game. Watch out for fights over who will be the ghost and who gets the bat. http://tinyurl.com/boo-opoly - 5
Ward Off Stress... and Zombies! Put together a quick basket or box with your favorite spa essentials and package it with a Zombie Survival Guide. http://tinyurl.com/zombie-survival - 6
Treat with a Bag of Tricks: How about a magic kit for the kids? http://tinyurl.com/magic-set - 7
Don't Spend a Fortune... Give a fortune-telling kit! http://tinyurl.com/fortune-kit - 8
Thrill Film Buffs... with an Alfred Hitchcock DVD set! http://tinyurl.com/hitcock-dvds - 9
Summon Spirits... with a glow-in-the-dark Ouija board! http://tinyurl.com/glow-oija - 10
Go Pink: October is national breast cancer awareness month so you can always throw a think pink Halloween party that will make you feel great about throwing an October celebration or giving October gifts purchased online at breast-cancer-awareness benefit sites such as http://ww3.komen.org/PromiseShop/ or http://www.bcrfcure.org/part_pinkprod.html.
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