- 1). Take two sheets of gift tissue and lay them down flat one on top of the other. Place your gift in the center of these sheets.
- 2). Loosely wrap your present with the tissue paper. Collect the edges of the sheets at the top of your gift so they form little peaks. Gather the peaks together and twist them slightly like you're closing a bag of bread.
- 3). Carefully place your gift in the bag so the tufts of tissue paper stick out of the top.
- 4). Grab one of the remaining pieces of tissue. Pinch this sheet in the center and use your other hand to create a tuft. Place this tuft inside the gift bag to create a fuller look. Carefully arrange the tissue points so they form a delicate bouquet.
- 5). Repeat Step 4 for the last remaining piece of tissue paper. Make sure your gift is completely covered. If necessary create more tufts to fill the bag's opening properly.
- 6). Sign and attach your gift tag to the bag handles using ribbon. Make sure the front of the tag faces out toward you.
- 7). Remove the adhesive strip on your bow and place this final decoration on your bag.
- 8). Pull the bag handles and tighten the opening. You don't want to close the bag completely. Try to close it just enough so the tissue paper peaks explode through the opening.
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