Home & Garden Home Design & Decorating

Twin Vs. Full Size Mattress


    • According to Sleepy's Mattress Store, a standard twin mattress measures 39 by 75 inches, while a standard full mattress measures 54 by 75 inches. Extra-long versions of the two sizes add another 5 inches to the length.

    Importance of a Comfortable Mattress

    • Getting a good night's sleep is an important part of leading a healthy life. People typically sleep for roughly one-third of their lives, according to the Huffington Post. The quality and size of your mattress can greatly affect the quality of your sleep. If you are uncomfortable because of the size of your mattress, it can affect the duration and quality of your sleep. Twin mattresses are meant for one person, and are often perfect for children. However, as you get older, you may wish to purchase a slightly larger bed.


    • According to the website Consumer Search, full-size mattresses typically cost from $50 to $100 more than twin-size mattresses. It is important to weigh this cost difference against your need for a larger mattress. If you are not sleeping well on a twin-size mattress, you may be running the risk of incurring medical bills in the future. Your quality of life may also be affected.


    • When deciding which size mattress will be best for you, consider the quality of your sleep, the size of your room and whether or not you will need room for more than one person. Some couples prefer a full-size mattress over a queen-size mattress, while others prefer having the extra space in the room. The size of the people certainly has something to do with this preference. If you have a small guest room, a twin-size mattress may be a better choice, and it will save you money.


    • One of the main problems many people face with a mattress occurs when it comes time to move. Mattresses are large and bulky, and can be difficult to maneuver around corners or down stairs. Both full- and twin-size mattresses are significantly easier to move than their larger cousins.

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