Making a big purchase can be anxiety-producing and challenging. Your precious time and money are valuable, especially in these tough economic times, so it would make sense that you'd prefer to be prepared to go into the process educated and prepared to make a worthwhile purchase. This applies to everything from buying a new car to purchasing a new sleeping bag. By asking yourself the following questions when shopping for a premium sleeping bag, you'll be guaranteed to find the knowledge you need to make a wise decision.
Question #1: What is the temperature rating of this bag, and in what temperatures do I plan on using it?
This is a very important question to ask because, by getting the answer, you'll be able to select the ideal bag for your trip, reducing the chances of your getting stuck with a bag that is either too hot or not warm enough for your outdoor adventure. Asking this question can only improve your chances of getting a great sleeping bag, so don't forget to keep this question in the front of your mind.
Question 2: What moisture-repellent properties does this bag have?
Another valuable question, this one will help you discover if this bag can withstand damp or even wet environments while still keeping you warm and dry. Many bags are constructed with a special shell fabric designed to repel water and protect the inner down from becoming damp.. This information is incredibly important when looking for a sleeping bag that is worth your cash. If the answer to this question is not what you'd hoped, you might want to consider looking at another sleeping bag, likely one like the Mountain Hardwear Banshee that has great moisture prevention properties.
Question 3: What is the total weight of this bag, and is this weight something I am prepared to carry, possibly for miles at a time?
The reason this question and its answer are important is hiking and camping usually need a lot of gear, which gets pretty heavy. Having a heavy sleeping bag to add to that can mean problems, often making a fun trip end up exhausting and no fun at all. Without knowing this information, you might be buying a sleeping bag that would not be worth the time and money you put into finding it.
So, on your search for the perfect sleeping bag, remember to ask these three important questions. By taking the time to do this, you will avoid the annoyance of getting stuck with a low-quality sleeping bag, and instead you'll end up with a great bag that will make you feel confident about your purchase and will serve you well for many years to come.
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