Safe family life takes some thought and planning.
When you commit to a safety plan for your home and family, be assured that if a problem arises, you will all know what to do, and how to do it.
The SafeFamilyLife Being Safe at Home Survival Kit has the basic things that you need to make sure your family's safe.
Safety kit has: An auto dialer A diversion safe for your valuables UFO Alarm (Home Security Personal Protection Multi Function Alarm) Two glass breakage alarms Two magnetic door alarms The mini Alert alarm Pepper spray with wall mounts A door stop alarm All batteries included Products instruction manual.
As you go about your daily life, choose one thing per day to check around your home to make sure that it is working properly.
Nothing is too small.
In fact it is the tiny details that can help you tremendously in each situation.
Little things from turning your pot handles in on the stove while you cook, to storing dangerous cleaning supplies securely, out of the reach of children and pets.
Test your hot water temperature often to make sure it's not too hot for your children as they wash, shower, and bath.
When those storms come and your power is out, keep flash lights, and fresh batteries in the same place all the time.
Practice getting them in the dark.
Have your kids practice as well.
Little things can really add up.
Post emergency numbers in your home.
Not only for fire, police, and local authorities, but relatives and friends nearby who are able to offer help.
This is your home.
You should feel secure in your home to relax.
The products and instruction offered in the SafeFamilyLife Being Safe at Home survival kit, along with your planning for emergencies, and practicing as well will help you keep your home environment safe and secure.
Do all that you can to prevent accidents at home as well.
Accidents at home are a major source of injuries.
Even a simple fall can result in a broken bone, or other serious and disabling injury.
As we approach summer, protect your skin and eyes daily from the sun while you are out enjoying activities with your family.
Enjoy and have peace of mind knowing that you have taken steps to keep you home and your family safe and secure.
Start with something today.
Have fun, get the family involved.
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