Be it man or woman, everyone desires to have a pencil thin figure.
This has indeed been a weighty issue with many.
"Thin is in" is the fad these days.
People are ready to go the extra mile to achieve an hour glass figure and be the envy of friends and relatives.
There are four quick ways to lose weight really quick and fast.
This is tested and proved to be beneficial to people.
Here you go...
1) There is an extract from the plant Carthamus tinctorius with seemingly remarkable fat-fighting properties.
This "wonder herb" is available online and helps in losing 10 pounds in a week.
2) A regular diet with cabbage soup, fruits and vegetables will help you shed a few pounds.
Avoid carbs and fats.
Go for herbal tea instead of your usual brand.
If you can control your urge to binge and stick to a fruit and veggie diet you are sure to lose a few pounds in a week.
Drink plenty of water daily.
This helps to flush out the toxins from your body.
Avoid aerated drinks.
Drink only fresh fruit juices.
Whenever you feel the need to eat just munch on a carrot.
You can also follow the diet program given by your dietitian.
3) Exercise is another way to lose weight.
Aerobics, spinning and swimming helps in shedding the extra kilos bulging from the middle.
Stretching exercises, walking on the treadmill, spinning on the cycle are best ways to lose weight.
Join a gym near your work place and go regularly.
Also instead of taking the elevator use the staircase.
That'll help you in keeping up the tempo.
If you like running you can go to a nearby garden and run a mile or two daily.
This will help in shedding a few pounds.
4) Skipping is cheap and good exercise that helps in shedding pounds.
Buy a skipping rope from your neighborhood store and start skipping everyday.
Initially start with 50 skips and slowly but steadily increase it to 1000 a day.
That will sure guarantee you losing weight and looking slim and trim.
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