Can A Credit Repair Company Really Clear Your Credit? Yes, these companies are and have been very successful at helping people clean up their credit reports.
It is truly astounding how many people out there believe that fixing bad credit cannot work and that these companies are nothing but scams.
While some companies are outright frauds, others are not frauds and they use the dispute process to obtain impressive results.
For those consumers who have many negative credit issues and do not wish to spend the time or energy disputing their credit reports, hiring out your credit score repair is a great and often affordable solution.
All repair companies are regulated by the Federal Credit Repair Organizations Act which prohibits certain actions such as charging for services before they have been performed or offering to create a separate or "new" credit files.
These companies are prohibited from charging or accepting advance payment for their services.
They are also required to provide consumers with complete information about the services they will provide.
Some credit repair companies are operated by "financial professionals" or "credit experts" who may or may not be able to help you resolve any legal issue that comes up while you are going through this process.
While some credit repair companies are all about taking individuals for every dime they can get, some of them are actually legitimate.
Reputable credit repair companies are a viable resource if you are in a position where you need to fix your bad credit and don't feel you have the time or inclination to repair your own credit.
However, they are not going to be helpful to everyone.
Because credit repair companies are not permitted to order credit reports (see the permissible purposes section of the fair credit reporting act), you will need to help them with this process.
So for those thinking that this process will be completely "hands off", you must be aware that you are going to have to be involved with your credit score enhancement.
The agencies and private individuals who fix credit scores are under immense pressure from government agencies, credit counselors, finance companies and banking institutions: and of course the main credit reference companies who rely on poor credit ratings to earn profits - at times it is difficult to see who the "good guys" are!! There are some reports that many credit repair companies are actually covers for lenders and finance brokers that really just want to sell you a loan.
Buyer Beware...
I figured out why some companies are hiding the dirty little secret of credit repair .
It is in their financial interest to keep you as monthly customer as long as possible.
You can do just as much if not more by yourself than some company can.
Bottom Line? Are You Ready To Learn More About How To Repair Your Credit Safely And Quickly? Then I invite you to check out http://www.
com/ebook and arm yourself with the knowledge and techniques to have the highest credit scores possible!
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