In this day and age of credit, more and more folks think that they need good credit to live comfortably, if they desire to buy a new vehicle, or get some furniture, or apply for ay loan or credit card, then you do need good credit.
If you find yourself needing, and using credit cards, and applying for loans, then you need to understand some simple methods to use, to help keep your credit rating great, and to raise it.
Here are simple ways to improve or keep your credit score good:
1. Don't close or cancel credit cards that you rarely use, near the time when you will be applying for a loan, doing so may raise your balance to limit ratio, and will decrease your credit score.
2. Try to keep your balance owed low, or at least 30% less than your total credit line available on each credit card. This can raise or lower your credit score a lot.
3. Don't miss payments, even a single monthly payment missed, can damage your credit score. In fact a single missed monthly payment can damage your credit score for months.
4. Don't apply for credit close to the time you wish to get a loan, vehicle, house, etc. Every time you apply for any type of credit, it effects your credit score a little. If you apply for a couple types of credit or more, close together, it effects your score and can stop you from getting an auto loan, house or other needed credit, for months.
5. Get regular copies of your credit report, so you can monitor your record and score. You can also see if there are any negative items on your rating that are errors, so you can contact the credit reporting agency, to see about having them removed.
There is a website that shows you numerous sources for getting a credit card or a fast cash loan, even if you have bad credit, also you can discover the best sources for credit reports, help prevent identity theft, understanding credit card terms, and much more, this website is called: Credit Cards and PayDay Loans, and it may be found at this URL:
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