I was taken aback the other day when President Obama effectively fired the President of General Motors. Not that he didn't deserve it, because by all accounts, his tenure at General Motors was not good. In fact, he presided over a debacle.
But General Motors was a private company, which had a board of directors, and stockholders who could have replaced Mr. Wagoner and didn't. Then, General Motors took some government money...and BOOM! Mr. Wagoner is out.
If you're in the health care business, that ought to send shivers up and down your spine.
If the government doesn't like the way you run your operation, they'll use the money excuse to fire you.
Right now, up on the Hill, as they say in Washington, politicians are plotting to ruin
American industry and ingenuity. Politicians very rarely have any business experience at all, and if they've been in Washington very long, they have forgotten whatever experience they did have.
And Lawyers don't count as businessmen. Hell, if it was up to attorneys, there wouldn't be
any such thing as a new business. They would bill you for hundreds of reasons that your idea wouldn't work.
One of my uncles always used to say that if you wanted to succeed in business stay as far away from attorneys and accountants as possible, and to make sure you reminded them every hour who was running the show (lest they forget.)
Now attorneys and accountants do have their functions, and occasionally you even need them, but never for advice on how to run your business.
Because lawyers and bean counters are risk averse. They never want to be in a situation
where risk is involved. You can't be a surgeon, or a businessman, and be worried about risk.
Those who take risks get the highest rewards, and get paid the most.
But now we have the Obama model. He wants everybody to be more or less equal, which is complete nonsense to anyone who is not a lawyer. These people don't like taking risks...
they want everything to be copasetic all the time. Sorry, but it doesn't work that way.
Obama wants to change the health care model, which is the best in the world. When he gets through, you can count on spending more and more time waiting on line, just like they do in Europe, where simple procedures back up for months.
There is one way to avoid all this as you get older, and that's to start taking better
care of yourself right now. The more time and effort you invest right now in your health
will keep you away from the nightmare of nationalized health care.
Taking my ultra pure pharmaceutical grade fish oil is a good place to start. It gives you a leg up, or a good head start, on improving your health, right away.
My grandmother used to say, "Prevention is the best medicine." That was good advice 50+ years ago, and it's still good advice.
A friend of mine, a former professional football player and Hall of Famer said to me one day, "Doc, I never had an ache or pain until two years ago."
"What happened then?" I said.
"I quit drinking," he said. "Then, all hell broke loose."
The truth is, he had all these symptoms for years, and he covered it all up with alcohol. Now some of his problems could be fixed, and some of them couldn't, because he waited too long. When you think about it, we don't have all that much time here to begin with, so we need to take care a little better of ourselves than we do.
Taking a pharmaceutical grade fish oil will help with a myriad of simple ailments, and you won't suffer any side effects. In Medicine, it doesn't get any better than that.