Poor diet and lack of exercise are the biggest causes of cellulite. So you need to detox your body and maintain an anti-cellulite diet as well as taking up some form of exercise to eliminate cellulite for good.
Eating a well-balanced diet and avoiding fat-laden, stodgy convenience foods is a good start to curing cellulite.
And it's easy to change your diet and avoid the wrong foods if you know what they are.
Some of the foods to avoid in our diet are obvious while others are not only unobvious, but are rarely given any consideration at all.
So firstly, the obvious foods to avoid if you want to not only get rid of cellulite, but prevent more cellulite building up are:
all fried and roasted foods
solid fats (i.e. butter)
sugary drinks
full-fat cheese
high-fat salad dressings
red meat
sugary breakfast cereals
peanut butter
pies, tarts and pastries.
If you stick to a low-fat diet you can't go wrong when it comes to eating the right foods that will reduce and remove cellulite.
Some not-so-obvious things to avoid in your diet are insecticides sprayed onto the skin of unwashed fruit, and chemicals that are absorbed into artificially fertilized vegetables.
Try eating only organic fruit and vegetables or grow your own. Fruit and vegetable growing can be a very enjoyable, productive and beneficial hobby. And you can feed a family for a whole week on only a few vegetables.
But one of the biggest saboteurs when it comes to removing cellulite, is salt. It's also called sodium when listed on packaged food ingredients and it is to be avoided at all costs.
If you can't cut it out of your diet completely, then at least cut it down and use less. Or go to your local health store and buy some low-sodium salt.
Cellulite is water dense and sodium is a highly effective water retainer. It encourages the toxins in your body to mass together and absorb fluid and so it aggravates and encourages the spread of cellulite.
So avoid sodium wherever possible, eat a low-fat, low-calorie diet and make your food work for you instead of against you.
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