If you are interested on buying Samsung LN-R328W but still unsure if this product is really worth your money, the I suggest you to read on because after reading this, you'll get determining enough to make a decision. In this article I'm going to show it point blank about some downside of Samsung LN-R328W. Moreover, I will take you further on to the plus side of this HD Ready LCD TV. so let us stop the chit chat here and get straight to the deal.
Samsung LN-R328w is an HD Ready LCD TV that launch few years ago. Despite its old age Samsung LN-R328W still becomes a star today. However, as we compare it with some brand new models, the downside becomes quite apparent. First of all, similar to big number of HD Ready LCD TVs, the speakers are suspected to be a bit on the lower side as the sound produced does not feel to have much power. Furthermore, as you put it side by side with some brand new models, you will notice a great difference in terms of the design aesthetic. Yes, definitely Samsung LN-R328W looks "classic"
Nevertheless, you might be surprised to know that Samsung LN-R328 is still so much preferable at the today's market. The main reason is none other than that the images and graphics brought about by this old beast are definitely of a high quality. Regardless the fact that its native resolution is not full HD (720p) the supporting technologies by Samsung are able to increase the quality significantly. The technologies I meant is the Samsung DNIe and My Color Control.
If you have not heard of Samsung DNIe, this feature takes care of 4 main jobs to make the images of a high quality. It will optimize the motion, enhance the contrast and detail as well as optimize the color. My Color Control on the other hand, will let you control the colors, and surely without making effects on the whole screen. Blue, green, yellow, pink, white, and red are the color selections that Samsung provided. With both features enabled, it is possible for Samsung LN-R328W to produce the same sophisticated and highly advanced graphics as full HD TV.
To conclude this article, if you think the outer design does not mean anything when compared to the performance, then Samsung LN-R328W is the best choice for you. However, if you think luxurious and easy-to-the-eyes design means anything, then you might want to look on another hot LCD TVs like Panasonic VIERA TC-P50X3. Either product is the best on their class. Anyway, if you want to look more info, you can go to Samsung LN-R328W.
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