Category : Fly Fishing : Travel & Places

What Are the Size of Lake Trout?

Fly Fishing
Lake trout are the largest members of the char family and are closely related to brook trout and arctic char. The fish live in Alaska, Canada and a few places in the northern parts of the Lower 48, especially in the Great Lakes. They are slow-growing, long-lived fish. They frequent deep, cold, pollu

How to Lock Fish Finders

Fly Fishing
Fish finders emit sonar waves through the water under a fishing boat. The waves bounce off objects or the water bottom and back to the fish finder's transducer -- the sonar-wave emitting device. The waves are translated and transferred to the display screen, which is mounted in the boat. Because the

How to Make a Can Telephone

Fly Fishing
Making a can telephone is an old method of making a simple, modern toy. Not only are can telephones fun to make, they are fun to use. A can telephone can also teach children about physics using simple and efficient methods. If you have ever wondered about the making of a can telephone for your ch

How to Rig a Flying Gaff

Fly Fishing
A flying gaff is used by the "gaffer" on deep-sea fishing excursions. This tool consists of a long metal-handle with a sharp and barbed hook on the end. As a large sportfish is brought in close to the boat -- via the fight and retrieve of the angler -- the gaffer hits the fish with the gaff hook. Th

How to Use a Fishing Spear Gun

Fly Fishing
A recreational spear gun is a serious tool used for the hunting of underwater predators. These guns do not function properly on dry land and are not safe to be fired anywhere except when fully submerged in the water. Always transport your spear gun unloaded and cover the spear tip with a puncture-pr

Black Ant Fly Tying Instructions

Fly Fishing
Ants are considered terrestrials in the fishing world, which simply means they live on land. However, even terrestrials often end up in the water and ants are an abundant food source for trout, a favorite target of fly fishermen. In early spring when leaves are just starting to appear, an ant fly is

How to Make Jig Heads

Fly Fishing
Lead fishing jigs are some common pieces of fishing tackle that are used for a wide variety of fish species. They are heavy, and quickly reach bottom where fish often live. However, their rapid sinking ability also causes them to snag frequently on rocks, trees or other structure. Making your own le