- 1). Drive four rebar stakes into the ground, 6 inches deep, using the sledge. Space the stakes according to the perimeter dimensions outlined in the blueprints. For example, if the blueprints call for a rectangular footprint with 20-by-30-foot perimeter dimensions, set the stakes accordingly.
- 2). Measure both diagonals of the footprint. Measure diagonally across the footprint from one corner to the opposite. Record the measurement. Measure diagonally across the footprint between the other two corners and record the distance. Adjust the stakes until the two diagonal measurements are equal in distance and the footprint is square.
- 3). Remeasure the perimeter dimensions. If the legs of the footprint do not equal the perimeter dimensions outlined in the blueprints, adjust the corners accordingly. Then remeasure the diagonal distances between opposing corners to check for square.
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