Category : Politics : Law & Legal & Attorney

Presidential Roles & Duties

The President of the United States is both head of state and head of government.The White House image by dwight9592 from Fotolia.comWith the most powerful job in the executive branch of the federal government, the President of the United States has big shoes to fill. The Presidential oath...

What We Do Every Night Pinky!

The Conspiracy Theory of the Bilderberg Group's alleged plan to enslave the human race has been in the news quite a bit recently. However do these accusations have any substance behind them? If the world's elite are executing a plan of world domination and mass enslavement, can they succee

Election Day School Activities

Election day is a vital part of the U.S. system of government. It is on this day that many citizens of our country head to the polls (or mail boxes) to cast their votes. Election day can be a valuable day of learning for students. By integrating election-themed activities into classes,...