Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

Can You Recognize When A Free Society Becomes Tyrannized?

The purpose of this article is to expose the most critical issue of our time - the usurping of our constitutional rights by a feminist-based governmental tyranny. That tyranny is bent on engineering a social, cultural, and economic structural change in our society that's in complete violation of our constitutional principles as engendered by the bill of rights, the further amendments, and the Declaration of Independence.

*A Free Society is...

A free society forms its social, cultural, and economic structure through the multiple, varied, and self-serving decisions of the free individuals of which it's composed. The long-standing consequences of such has been the formation of:

* the traditional family where two parents nurture and support the moral and capability development of their offspring-as they each see fit;

* churches and synagogues freely supported by individuals to affirm their value, purpose, and direction;

* an economy that has grown to be the biggest and best in the world, and

* an education system ultimately controlled by parents to assist them to foster the character and capability in their offspring necessary to eventually allow them to participate as free and responsible adults in the social, cultural and economic structure of society.

The government's purpose mainly and essentially is only to protect its people from foreign invasion and most importantly to assure that the individual rights guaranteed by the constitution are upheld for each and every individual so that he may seeks for himself (and for his children) life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (through acquisition of spiritual and material wealth) so recognized by our forefathers as inalienable rights.

*The fundamental assumption of a Free Society:

The assumption of a free society is that most individuals, by far, are self-serving, of more or less honorable intent, concerned deeply with their family's well-being, and possess a work ethic to achieve. Given their due and inalienable liberty and rights, they'll demonstrate these qualities and seek to conform within the structure of a free society in a manner which, taken as a whole, will be for the betterment of themselves, their family, and society. Human nature is fully consistent with this assumption.

*A "Greater Good" (than individual rights) is always Tyranny's Plea:

The attack of the free society's assumption signals the cry of those who would set up a tyranny- whether in the form of socialist, communist, or a selective class domination state. The tyranny seeks - based always on a supposedly 'greater good' theme - to undermine or negate one or more individual rights of all or a select class because all, or that select class, cannot be trusted or have not the ability- under liberty- to warrant in them the above assumption.

In that case the tyranny must suspend the rights of some or all to prevent the untrustworthy class from behaving so or to support the under-abled or victim class to flourish. Much of the perception of the 'untrustworthies', 'under-ables', and 'victims' exist in the 'eye of only certain beholders'; the rest of the people need a good dose of propaganda to see similarly.

Once a tyranny gains - under a fraudulent 'greater good theme' - a foothold in the governing of society, its adherents and promoters grow ever bolder. It propagandizes its theme ever more strongly with government-supplied funds while simultaneously intimidating any unwilling or cowardly adherents to keep 'in line'. It seeks to instil its propaganda in young or innocent minds through education systems. It extorts and punishes its natural opposition with the many and growing facets of government agencies and its economically-dependent private sycophant interests.

*Nazism: a 'Divide and Conquer' Tyranny:

In pre-WW II Germany, Hitler and his followers, promoting government efficiency and ultimately the 'health' of the nation established a tyranny in one of the foremost intellectual capitals of the world. He, and his followers, villainized and criminalized Jews for past governmental and societal corruption. The propaganda made out Jews to be 'the cause of the problem' of society. Society was victimized by the existence of Jews - at least the 'bad' ones.

By dividing the nation between the victimized and the perpetrators, Nazism achieved acceptance of its theme since the tyranny imposed benefited the 'victims' and the nation while disenfranchising only the propagandized 'perpetrators'. Formally, 'the health' of the nation was that tyranny's 'greater good theme' which allowed it to single out and deprive Jews (and anyone else it wished) of their rights.

Jews were originally grabbed one by one under Nazi-jurisprudence. Apparently they must have done something 'wrong'! So, many Jews were fooled into thinking that as good Germans they weren't part of the problem. They were wrong.

A whole nation - its schools, churches, social structures and businesses - assisted the tyranny of Nazi Germany because of its government propaganda, intimidation, and Nazism's take over of educating the young. People of conscience watched their speech carefully. Both fear and benefits offered by the state kept people 'in line'.

The Nazi state and its society were not defeated by its people. It had to be conquered to be stopped.

*Feminazism - A 'Divide and Conquer' tyranny:

The Feminist-Government tyranny lording over today's state and society uses a 'divide and conquer' approach. Long held constitutional protections of fundamental rights of fathers and men have been thrown out under feminist jurisprudence.

One by one, fathers are put into a slave status as they are deprived of their children. They must have done something wrong I guess. What about you?

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