Category : Politics : Law & Legal & Attorney

The Audacity Of Hopelessness

As a Jew, growing up in New York, I participated in religious studies no different from my Christian friends.Although the books we read may have been different in context, the message was the same.Be a good person, believe in God, honor thy mother and father and cherish this great nation.

Dacic, the Kingmaker

As France turns to a socialist president and Greece punishes the parties which backed austerity measures imposed by the EU, tough times lie ahead for Brussels. Faced with a deep financial crisis and shifting political powers, the perception of the EU from the Balkans may change. There are many who c

How to Look Up Canadian Zip Codes

If mailing an item to a Canadian destination, you must include the postal code in the mailing address. The Canadian postal code is equivalent to the United States zip code. Whereas U.S. zip codes contain only numbers, Canadian postal codes contain a series of letters and numbers. These serve to iden

Theories on Pyramids

Egyptologists, historians, New Age theorists and lay people have long debated the origins of the pyramids. The Aztec, Mayan and Egyptian cultures all created pyramids, but the Egyptian pyramids, including the Great Pyramid of Giza, stand out as achievements of miraculous proportions. These wonders o

Economic Stimulus Package Plan

The Taxpayer's Dozen. There are 12 areas of the economic stimulus package plan: Tax relief, child tax credit, jobless benefits, health care, energy, education, infrastructure, science and technology, law enforcement, jump start on jobs, business breaks and accountability. To Democrats, this pla