Health & Medical Beauty & Style

Perfumes, Fragrances, Аphrodisiacs

Valentine's Day approaching, a flavoring aphrodisiacs will help you celebrate Valentine's Day with due passion for the occasion. 
Which terrestrial oils are best to seduce men, and what better influence the libido of women? 
It is believed that whole "male" aphrodisiacs are aromatic oils of ginger, cypress, thyme, cedar, cinnamon, sandalwood and nutmeg. 
"Female" aphrodisiacs are aromatic oils of jasmine, geranium, rose, ylang-ylang and almond. 
There is a separate group of aromatic oils that are equally suitable for men and women - oils of bergamot, juniper, patchouli, rosemary and lavender. 

Some would say that the scent of lavender is trite and "grandmotherly." But this fragrance is used since ancient times. In XVI century the Arabs were planning lavender for the most effective means to eliminate unpleasant body odor of the woman. Mixed with lavender sea salt is poured into the aromatic cushions from the same plant has rules and toilet water. Have the same properties and flavors of mint, camphor, rosemary, pine and cedar. Since ancient times women have used almond oil to neutralize their body odor. 

For the most legendary aphrodisiac of all time can be considered rose oil. With flower rose relate many romantic legends. 

Rose was brought in ancient Greece from the east side and became a symbol of the goddess of beauty Aphrodite. Greeks tossed rose petals on marriage ceremonies, compared the bride with pink flower and necessarily present in the festive decorations.In ancient Rome did women took a bath with rose petals before intimate meetings since that time the extraction of ethereal oils has not yet been found. 

From the Romans to us and has reached a miraculous recipe drink "Pink tsimus. Drink is prepared from women in order to support the forces of love been selected them.Alternatively, you can try it. 

For the preparation of Pink tsimus you will need 500 ml. milk 4 tablespoons honey, 1 teaspoon butter, 100 g boneless dates, a handful of almonds, 2-3 sprigs saffron and a handful of rose petals (fresh or dried, but bright varieties of roses). Pour milk into a saucepan, it is desirable is with a thick bottom. Boil milk on low heat and add alternately saffron, rose petals, chopped dates, almonds and butter. Everything is boiled with constant stirring until saffron is not puffed and did not drink turns pink. Then remove pan from heat and add honey. Strain drink or leaves blend - in the latter case inside will have more nutrients. Pink tsimus is served warm. 

Fill two tall glasses and say cheers to your favorite.

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