There's another survey out about marriage and finances, and the result is really no surprise. Couples telling lies to one another about money is one of the main reasons marriages end.
Martin Wolk: "Our survey makes it clear that money can be a huge stumbling block for relationships if couples don't take the time to talk about it frankly. It's one thing to fib about a new pair of shoes, but keeping serious money secrets from one another -- about problems with debt or spending -- can be a recipe for disaster."
Source: Chad Brooks. "Almost Half of Spouses Cheat ... With Money." 4/25/2012.
Katherine Bindley: "Hiding purchases in the back of the closet and withdrawing money from joint bank accounts without telling their partners were just a few of the ways couples said they'd fibbed about finances. Women, it turns out, were the worse offenders, out-lying the men 56 percent to 37 percent, according to Source: Katherine Bindley. "Nearly Half of Couples Lie About Money and Finances, Survey Finds." 4/26/2012.
Lucy Danziger: "To have a successful relationship, you need to have trust, and hiding money secrets is a huge way to break that confidence. Open up about past debts, then lay some ground rules for the future and have a mutual agreement on your expenses."
Source: Chad Brooks. "Almost Half of Spouses Cheat ... With Money." 4/25/2012.
Marriage Polls About Finances
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