In my first review of Peter Levendas Sinister Forces series, I imagined Mr.
Levendas appearance to be something like that of Bela Lugosi, with a goatee.
This of course led me to a search, and the only picture I could find of Mr.
Levenda on the internet was from a gathering of authors and publishers in Coconut Grove Florida, and he DOES look something like Bela Lugosi, though larger, and with glasses; and He DOES have a goatee! Or he did, at least, in the picture I am referring to.
It was as if I had intuited something about this author, and though I found this revelation somewhat odd, I did not give it too much energy.
Not then, at least.
It was also during that first book that I found myself occasionally thinking in some cases that certain informations within seemed somehow...
only to find the information which explained these situations in the next book of the series, haunting me if you will, with not precognition, but answers to precognition...
many times these answers contained EXACT wording and phrases as I had noted them in passing, or mentioned them in terms during my writing about the book!I stopped this critiquing during book III, and just satisfied myself that all was being made known.
Truthfully, I was somewhat relieved that there are only three books in this series, if for no other reason than I do not know how much of this I could stand!It was more than coincidence.
Much more.
If you get the books, you will certainly see for yourself, and I do recommend them highly, however disconcerting some of the content may be.
Hard core readers are usually a little jaded, at least, and always looking for new experiences among the symbols.
George Carlin once described our type as being Symbol Minded, and I guess thats as good a description as any.
I assure you that the Sinister Forces books, by Peter Levenda, will assist you in your quest toward new, unique symbology, and most likely well beyond any expectations you may have.
Yes, many odd experiences and coincidences occurred during my reading of these 3 books by Peter Levenda.
The only thing that came close was over ten years ago, after reading a book by Philip K.
Dick, called Valis, and though I was astounded at that time by coincidences piled one upon another, that was nothing compared to the seemingly prescient ultra-sensitivity these books by Levenda created within my psyche.
Many is the time during the reading of the series that I found myself in deep contemplation for many minutes, putting pictures together, from my past, and, perhaps, my future as well.
I was becoming immersed in a flow that I had hitherto ill-perceived,and it is an instructional ride, oh yeahhhhhhh.
This is not too surprising really, considering that coincidence and its related institutions play a large part, perhaps even a Super-Conscious part, in this three book series which shows, among many other things, and in many startling and evocative ways, that there really is no such thing as coincidence, just a very intricate but meaningful weave and weft APPEARING to us as coincidence, but which is actual reality, and it is ALIVE.
Within this living thing are we, the id entitys, individual identities, and though infantile and dangerous for the most part, we influence the whole, as any part of any thing does.
A vast majority of the time our influence in the All is en passant, without will or meaning.
Even within this higgledy-piggledy massively ignorant state of existence which we physical beings inhabit, there are some who have taken it upon themselves to learn their place within the body of reality, and to thereby influence it, in what can only be called a conscious manner, however malign or evil some of these people may be.
Think -- Instruments Of Torture -- think Idolatry of instruments of torture.
Sometimes the greatest evil is that which occurs all unbeknownst, disguised as goodness and love, within and bylarge groups of well meaning, but very ignorant people.
That is my opinion at least, and it is based on long term observation, for what its worth.
While delving into the books dealing with sinister forces I was rather astounded at certain of the revelations concerning the outwardly holy, who were, via scrutiny, revealed to be demons par excellence, whose god, if they have one, is nothing more than conflict, torture, hate and human suffering.
We all know these people.
Many are in government today.
Many preach their ideology weekly, on TV, or in churches around the world.
In Book III of Sinister Forces a good case is made for positive influences, good people, to learn and develop control of our psychic lives in order to actually combat, or perhaps balance out the powers who would use reality to further their personal agendas, which seem comprised of what can only be called bad things.
We must learn, and try hard, to overcome the employers of Sinister forces, or we are doomed to the world as it is right now, and is that not a sorry state, after all? I think we should all learn to pray, instead of what the evil ones teach and do, and that is prey.
Also in my review of book one, I felt that Mr.
Levenda must be, by nature, a very serious type of person, and though I found this to be fairly true throughout my further readings of this authors work, I was also pleasantly surprised to see that Peter Levenda possesses a wry and well developed wit, which is all the more powerful because of the subject matter at hand, and because of the artful way in which he purveys it.
More than a few times I found myself laughing hard about something anomalous; anomalous in the sense it was dealing with death and destruction, but was described in such a way that humor was the inevitable result.
There is no escape from these lovely surprises dear reader, and because these humorous incidents are timed perfectly and seemingly innocent, they can only be called comic relief of the highest sort.
Several examples come quickly to mind, and I will not delve too deeply into this aspect of Mr.
Levendas art, though his reference to Richard Nixon as one of histories great dirty jokes was one certainly memorable humor within.
Levendas coverage and interpretation of Quantum States as applied to human consciousness, and the body of reality, within which are we, the parts, was very valuable to me, and I am sure most readers will find this distillation by the author extremely agreeable, as opposed to the actual physics, which are daunting to say the least.
Levenda is intrigued by the work of two well known quantum physicists: Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff, whose work -- Orchestrated Reduction of Quantum Coherence in Brain Microtubules: a Model For Consciousness, has been hailed as a new way to describe how thinking and perception really work, especially in relation to our view of reality.
As one might expect, the US military has had great interest in all this, and employed these two scientists as consultants and representatives during a series of meetings sponsored by DARPA(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency).
It is part and parcel of the militaries continuing though covert interest in remote viewing, psychic spying, and other spooooky types of behavior.
Below are a few excerpts of the Penrose/Hameroff work from book III of the Sinister Forces Series: ...
Another feature of quantum systems is quantum inseparability, or non-locality, which implies that all quantum objects which have ever interacted are in some sense still connected!When two quantum systems have interacted, their wave functions become phase entangled, so that when one systems wave function is collapsed, the other systems wave function, no matter how far away, instantly collapses as well.
This non-local connection (Phase Entanglement), is independent of distance and implies that the quantum entities, by sharing a wave function, are indivisible...
) And another tidbit from Book III of the Sinister Forces Series: ...
The problem is the transition..
why and how do microscopic superposed states become classical and definite in the macro-world?This problem is called quantum state reduction, or collapse of the wave function, and it may be the key to both consciousness and reality...
The wave function collapse is non-reversible in time, and it is the successive collapse of wave functions at the micro-tubule level that gives rise, in effect, to the passage of time (its seeming unidirectional nature: past-present-future) and thus to consciousness itself.
This seems to solve the conundrum posed by Penrose in 1994 that the laws of physics are the same whether time flows forward or backward, and that the sensation of time going in one direction only is therefore a function of consciousness, since there are no physical laws to account for it...
The application of Quantum Mechanics to human reality is even more confusing considering it takes other sciences such as neurobiology, along with QM, to fully explain things we take for granted, like seeing, perceiving, memory, thought.
It must be stated that there is no theory of physics that describes reality as well as the Quantum explanations, and though they are inexplicable to many, the multiverse is real, and you are a part of them!So lets get busy! Overall, these three books in the Sinister Forces series deal with the United States Governments never-ending and no-holds-barred quest for mind control of its citizens, along with nazi involvement in that quest, and others, such as the catholic church, black magicians everywhere, and the intelligence apparat, as general as that term is.
One begins to see, beyond doubt, after reading these books, that history can many times be considered a painting, where some brush strokes are bold and colorful, while others are muted and slight, though all a part of the whole, which in itself is a creation more than anything else.
A contrivance.
The work of Mr.
Peter Levenda is extremely well researched, and cannot be slighted in any way.
There is no way that even the most informed reader on these subjects can come away empty handed from this literal smorgasbord of facts about the US governments continuing and frenzied involvement in the occult, the ramifications of this involvement to the citizens of the USA alongwith the world at large, as well as overall reality and our places in it.
Do yourself a service, if you are inquisitive in the least:Get the three books of the Sinister Forces series by Peter Levenda, and see for yourself just where you are right now.
Published By: TrineDay Post Office Box 577 Walterville OR 97489 1-800-556-2012 http://www.
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