- 1). Make a 45-degree downward angled cut through the branch to fix a split that occurred close to the end of the branch. Cut back to a major adjacent branch.
- 2). Cut halfway through the diameter of a branch 4 to 5 inches away from the branch collar to remove an entire branch. The branch collar is the swelling where the branch attaches to the rest of the tree. This area contains chemicals that prevent diseases from entering into the main trunk.
- 3). Make your second cut 2 inches closer to the branch collar from the top of the branch and all the way through. By making two cuts to remove a branch, you prevent causing a split by reducing the weight on the branch collar area.
- 4). Prune the branch 45-degree downward angle next to the branch collar. By cutting at a 45 degree angle, you cause a slanted branch surface to reduce the instance of water accumulation. Water accumulation on the branch encourages diseases.
- 5). Pick up all debris underneath the tree. Insects and diseases harbor in dead debris.
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