- Aphids have small, black bodies and live on the undersides of leaves on banana pepper plants. They cause the leaves they live on to deform and curl. They also exude a sticky substance known as honeydew, which serves as a breeding ground for black sooty mold. Use insecticidal soap to treat for aphids.
- Thrips are small, flying insects that concentrate by the hundreds on the undersides of leaves. They are active insects that suck the sap from leaves causing them to curl up into boat-like shapes. Spray thrips with a hose to wash them off the leaves. While unsightly, they do not warrant the use of insecticides.
- Two fungi known as verticilium and fusarium, which are present in the soil, cause wilt diseases. Symptoms include the wilting and upward curling of the leaves as well as a yellowing color. If allowed to continue, the roots and stems become affected as well.
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