Health & Medical Acne

Acne Skin Care Treatment - 5 Insanely Simple Acne Skin Care Treatments Using Your Own Kitchen

In this article I am going to show you some simply acne skin care treatments that you can use with stuff in your own kitchen.
If you think these are some crazy and lame treatments for acne that actually don't work, then please stop reading this article and go make your acne worse with your dermatologist or an over the counter product like Accutane and Proactive.
Believe me, as a teenager myself, I have suffered from acne long enough and just the way charity begins at home, the best acne skin care treatments begin at home too.
Acne Skin Care Treatment 1 Honey! The almighty cure for every single disease on earth.
Honey a day keeps the doctor away.
Apply honey on the infected area for 20 minutes three to four times a week right before you go to sleep.
Acne Skin Care Treatment 2 Toothpaste! This is a very good and very efficient skin care treatment for acne considering you do not have a sensitive skin and that you choose a very minty toothpaste.
Apply on the infected area for 15 minutes and then wash it off.
Acne Skin Care Treatment 3 Water! Now this may be a common sense theory for some but as far as I know, most people do not value the power of water.
Drinking 10 to 12 glasses of water a day will flush out all toxins and speed up the healing of your acne.
What could be a more natural acne skin care treatment than water itself? Acne Skin Care Treatment 4 Salt and Vinegar! Salt and vinegar both have this strong power of destroying every single bacteria on its way.
Mix them both and rub them gently on your skin and leave it to dry for 15 minutes.
Acne Skin Care Treatment 5 Apricot Juice! Apply apricot juice on your skin and leave it on for 15 minutes.
You will feel the bumps on your skin being sliced off.
Finally, I come to the end of this article wishing you all the best with 5 very safe and very natural acne skin care treatments.
It is now up to you to apply them appropriately and get that acne free skin you always wanted.

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