Those who suffer from acne know the meaning of the word desperation.
They get so desperate after many treatments, that they lose hope of getting the acne treated at all.
That takes them to the world of home remedies, herbal remedies and other such remedies, which spoil the acne further instead of treating it.
Is light therapy the answer to your acne problem? Let us find out.
Light of different wavelength is being tried to find out how it treats acne.
One requirement is that the light should have no ultraviolet rays.
Ultra violet rays can cause skin problems.
So the primary considerations are - how the light treats acne and its safety for use.
Some lights kill the bacteria P.
acnes and reduce the infection.
Some others destroy the sebaceous glands and stop the sebum getting produced.
The following light therapies are now commonly used to treat acne.
Blue Light: High intensity blue light is used to treat acne.
Blue light destroys the infection causing bacteria P.
acnes and reduces inflammation.
Blue light is free of ultra violet and therefore safe to use.
In this procedure, skin is exposed to a blue light for a particular period, the normal duration being fifteen minutes.
Blue light treatment is generally used for eight sessions.
Blue light is very convenient to treat the acne on the back.
Blue light may cause some side effects such as swelling, dryness and pigment change.
These are temporary effects and resolve soon.
Green-Yellow Light and Heat Energy: This combination is also known as LHE- light and heat energy.
Pulses of light and heat are used to treat acne.
LHE destroys the infecting bacteria-P.
acnes and, shrinks the sebaceous glands.
By shrinking the glands, sebum production decreases and acne gets cured.
Diode Laser: This laser destroys the sebaceous glands without harming the outer layer of the skin.
With the destruction of the glands, sebum production stops and acne gets treated.
This high-energy laser treatment can cause temporary redness and swelling.
This article is only for informative purposes.
This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice.
Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns.
Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor.
The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.
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