What many parents to be don't recognize is that preparing for pregnancy and preparing for birth are two totally different processes.
It may surprise you to know that preparation for each new parent is different.
The prospective father has different duties than those of the mother-to-be.
Pregnancy and birthing classes can be very helpful to both parents.
Every birth is different.
You may prepare for a vaginal birth and end up with a Cesarean section.
You may know ahead of time that you will be having a C-Section.
Some women plan for a regular delivery and must have labor induced due to various reasons.
Water births or home births require different preparation plans.
Because there is always the possibility of a surprise, it's a good idea to have a back-up plan for the mother and the birth coach.
Assuming that the parents have taken classes and know the basics of what will be happening during each stage of the labor and birthing process.
The decision about which type of birth will be first choice should be made in consultation with your obstetrician, midwife or other health professional.
It's easy to decide on a natural birth before the contractions and labor pains begin.
Being emotionally prepared for a change of plans during the labor process is important for both parents.
It is a subject that should be discussed by the parents in an environment that is not under pressure medically or emotionally.
Determining what will happen in the event of an emergency should take into consideration the wishes of both parties.
Prepare in advance for entrance to the hospital or birthing center.
A bag for the mother and for the father or coach is important.
In spite of birthing classes, many don't realize how long the labor process can go on.
Have a bag prepared that includes clothing and toiletries for general living, but also includes things for the labor process.
Massage oils, a journal for keeping track of thoughts and emotions help to pass time and keep a record.
A camera or camera phone will be needed to recording first moments.
Preparing for birth should be done well in advance of the due date.
In addition to planning for the comfort of mother during birthing and the comfort of the father while assisting with the birth, you must be prepared for things you will need to bring the baby home.
Clothing appropriate to the outdoor weather and a baby carrier or car seat are vital for safety of the child.
But what will happen when you pass your due date? I know from experience how frustrating it is when you have past the due date and you want nothing more than to hold you baby in your arms.
It is important that you prepare your self for induced labor and arm yourself with knowledge on the subject so you will be more relaxed if and when the time comes.
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