Bacterial vaginosis and pregnancy occurring together can keep you a little busy worrying about it and in most cases; bacterial vaginosis is a common infection to occur during pregnancy.
This situation asks for loads of attention towards the recovery from this harmful infection which may even go out of control and damage the fetus.
Now, does that worry you? Naturally it does because pregnancy is the phase in women lives which is precious and no body wants to experiment anything which can harm their baby as well as cause problems during pregnancy.
Bacterial vaginosis can make you feel immensely uncomfortable and may also lead you to suffer immensely which would just add up to your agony.
Any symptoms of the presence of bacterial vaginosis should be taken seriously and one should act immediately to stop the infection from spreading its wings any further.
Bacterial vaginosis(BV) and pregnancy can prove to be a very hampering combination for the mother as well as the child as the bacteria can travel through blood stream and harm foetus.
Not only this, it causes the sensation of burning, itchiness, swelling, foul smelling white fluid like discharge, pain in the genital area, pain while urination, etc Thus, among the other problems which pregnancy brings with itself, the presence of BV in women's body can turn out to be really harmful.
If you have any doubts regarding the developments of any kinds in the sensitive parts of genital area during pregnancy, you should consult a physician immediately.
It needs to be mentioned here that in most cases, physicians suggests antibiotics as the best solution for BV but it is not so and these antibiotics can gift you many side effects as well which can be really harmful for your baby.
BV mostly occurs when bad bacteria dethrone good bacteria and the main reason behind this is the kind of lifestyle we live.
We should maintain a healthy hygienic lifestyle and make sure that we eat the right nutritious foods which do not harm our body in anyways.
Eating out regularly as well as irregular eating habits and timings are also few of the major reasons.
One should drink loads of water and consume yoghurt.
Taking bath in apple cider vinegar dipped water and applying the same in the afflicted genital region has also proved itself to be a very useful way for getting rid of bacterial vaginosis.
If the situation is not bought under control and if bacterial vaginosis is not gotten rid of then premature early birth is possible.
This is a common thing to happen when bacterial vaginosis and pregnancy is considered occurring together.
Women in this situation tend to have fever and headaches frequently along with other negative impacts.
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